Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas 1984 - 1999

Dear Friends,

It is that time of year again. A time you have all been waiting for. Sit back and relax while you read the sequel to last years widely acclaimed CHRISTMAS LETTER  1983 this years smash hit CHRISTMAS LETTER 1984. The title just came to me one night in a nightmarish-like dream.

You will recall from last years letter that we had decided to commit ourselves; to an annual Christmas letter, that is. We knew that was the best way to obtain peace and happiness. We promised you all an annual report on our newly acquired superiority. So, it is with "tongue in cheek” that we send this Christmas greeting.  (If by chance you missed last years Presentation, additional copies are available with a SASE)

1984 started out like a rock but as it rolled down the mountain of life it gathered no moss. I like the way that sounds, don't you? Pat has changed jobs again and the new job promises to be even better than her last one. (That's why she changed) Now she is with Project Quality. She is still working with district #186 it Lawrence Adult Center which is so close to home that she can come home for  lunch Project Quality evaluates the adult education Programs throughout the state. She has mastered the use of her new trash 80 computer. They sent her to school to learn how to use the word processer and out of a class of at least one she was the top student. We were all very proud of her. Her new job is on a ten month basis so she will have two months off in the summer to be with Krystal.  This new  Job also has the added benefit of Paying lots more than what she was making when she wasn't working.

In February of this year Pat was offered a job in Dallas Texas.  The position was with one of the largest banks in Dallas. The salary  was about twice what she makes here, so we thought we should at least go down and take a look. As it turned out the trip was a kind of paid vacation. The interview lasted all day. We  liked the  idea of the salary increase but we just weren't ready for the fast lane in Dallas. Housing costs were out of sight. We could get a real  nice little Place in the slums for under $80,000. It just wasn't the place for us!

You should remember Krystal was Put into a first second grade split class last year. We were somewhat concerned but it worked out well. She liked being with the older kids. In fact her boyfriend  is an older boy. He is in third grade now. They correspond regularly but she hides the letters. I feel she is a little young for serious entanglements but you know how it is with this new generation.  This year she is back with her friends in second grade. She  is doing so well that there is no doubt that she will be able to apply to Harvard or Yale for' college if she wants.

This year has also brought a new addition to our house. Some of you probably didn't know that we were expecting. The arrival  took  place October 13th. We are now the proud parents of a one proud turtle. His name is Timathy  T. Turtle. The T. is for Terrapin.  He  is a most beautiful green and yellow, Red Eared Slider.  Now some of you probably remember your pet turtles. They were about the size of a half dollar and cost about  the same. Times have changed this one  is  about six  inches across and costs considerably more.  Next  time  I  will  check  before  I  make promises. Timithy T. Turtle lives with Krystal in a 20 gallon aquarium half full of water. Now before you get a picture in your mind of a seven year old sharing an aquarium with a turtle, let me clarify myself. Timithy T. lives in an aquarium. The aquarium is in Krystal’s room. A couple of weeks ago we had a weekend guest with us. He/She (I forget to look) was a white guinea pig from Krystal’s class at school. Shep wanted to play with him but we decided that wasn’t a good idea. All in all, Krystal is growing bigger, better, smarter, and prettier with each day and I can say that with prejudicial honesty.

My year has gone stupendiously. I had planned to win a seat in congress but my ‘write in’ campaign fell a little short. I only got one vote. I guess the judges couldn’t read my name on the other ballots. I can’t understand what happened. I even got beat out by Wilby Nogood and he died two weeks before the election. I think he got the sympathy vote. You can be sure that this is only the beginning of my political career. Don’t forget! I write Christmas letters!

I am still house doctoring while I wait for a political appointment. I also started teaching again. I am teaching a class for the Adult Education Department. It is a 12-week class on basic home maintenance. It has been very successful and I will be offering it again next semester.

I am also taking a correspondence course from the Institute of Children’s Literature. I have only completed one assignment but it promises to be rewarding. You will probably be seeing my name on Time Magazine in the near future as the most promising childrens author of 1985. I think I have made more than my share of promises.

I am going to wind this up for now as I am expecting a call from the resident at the White House down the street.



YEAR 1985.


The next letter jumps all the way to 1999

Christmas 1999
Condensed version ( I know; Thank God!)

Doorway to the new Millennium

In preparing to write this, I looked back at that notorious first Christmas letter I wrote. It started like this:

Dear Friends,
For years Pat and I have read the wide varieties . . . . . . . . . . .  Next year we can tell you about all the good things that have happened in 1984. This year we will just have to tell you the truth!

A long time has passed since then. At that time, Krystal was just entering school. Now Krystal has entered a new school but this time she is the teacher! Looking back on this year, it is obvious that our life revolved around these changes. In May of this year, Krystal graduated from Augustana College in the Quad Cities with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She was certified to teach English in the upper grades. So, the early part of the year was devoted to graduation and all that goes with it. We had a nice party here and many of her previous teachers came to wish her well.  In July, The Florida statewide job fair was in Tampa. She flew down to that and on the second day she was offered and took a job at Lee Middle School in Orlando. She is now teaching 6th grade English.

With the summer half over, now we had to get her moved to Florida. The end of July, she and Courtney drove back down to Florida. She had new teacher orientation for the week before school and in her spare time they had to look for an apartment. They lived in the Marriott near the airport at the school districts expense. The end of the week, Kim and I drove down to take more important stuff (computer) and to pick up Courtney and bring her back up north. It was a quick three-day trip. As soon as we arrived home, I had to start packing Krystal’s furniture to take down in my small trailer. The trailer was open so I shrink wrapped EVERYTHING! Once I had it in the trailer, I shrink wrapped the trailer with all its contents. It was certainly a site but I wasn’t taking any chances. It was a long drive. So, the first week of August, Pat, Kim and I headed for Florida. 
Moving day, Krystal went to work; we went to move. We were aided by Wil and Elizabeth in this labor of love. Now picture this, a trailer full of furniture with shrink wrap holding it together, an apartment up a flight of outside stairs, the temperature was typical for Florida summer, high 90’s, humidity that made fog look dry and four overweight, over 50, movers. Kim was the only one that looked up to the task. As it turned out, removing the plastic wrap was as difficult as moving the stuff up the stairs. But we did it and just as the last item was in place, Krystal came home from work!

In the 1984 Christmas letter, there were only three of us. Kim was not even born. Now she is in 7th grade at Franklin Middle School.  She came home from school the other day telling us she was voted “the student most likely to succeed in life”, also voted “the best student in her class”, and voted “the biggest flirt”.  I’m still not sure which one held the highest regard!  We do know, she is an excellent student and gets high marks (Straight A’s) on her report card.  But, I’m still not convinced that was the highest of the three! She spends most of her time on the computer either gaming or communicating. She has friends all over the world. It certainly makes it a small world. She e-mails, chats and even has a voice chat program that they use to hear each others accents. She e-mails pictures and I assume it won’t be long before she will some how set up a picture phone. That’s my Kim truly in the computer age. She is always showing me how to do something on the computer. I can see in her eyes she is thinking “Dad, don’t you know anything about computers?” She has always been the one that had to show the teachers how to do something on the computer. Sure glad we have smart kids to take care of us.

On a more serious note, November 21st,  Pat received a phone call from her  (ex)sister-in-law, Judy, who told Pat that her brother, Jerry (age 54) had died of a heart attack that morning as he was getting out of bed. In talking with Jerry’s wife, it was apparent some harsh feelings were still there. This was echoed in the obituary that left out surviving siblings. Pat was glad she had made peace with Jerry a short time before. This was a sad end to an already sad chapter in her life.

This once-a-year letter brings with it peace, love, and joy for the very Merriest Christmas for you and your families and to wish everyone the most prosperous and happiest of New Years.  Bring on 2000…we’re ready for the New Millennium!

    God bless each and every one of you!
                    Love and Light,

                Dulany, Pat and Kim
                   (and Krystal in Orlando)