My daughter suggested making a new commitment July 1st much like we do for New Year's. I have already put myself on a diet and lost considerable weight. My new dog requires a daily walk so I have that covered. So, I decided I should get back to posting to my blog. I love to write but it often takes a back seat to things I need to do rather than want to do. So, Starting today, I am committing to at least one major post on this blog with pictures every week!
I do a couple blogs for my high school class along with a website and I do a Blog for the Brinkerhoff Home along with their new website. I have several business websites and even an often neglected family website. They all seem to be obligations. This Blog is my creative outlet. It will continue to take you on our adventures and share what we see through my pictures and a bit of my humor and philosophy. I will even plan to set my phone up to make posting from the road possible.
You can expect the first new posting July 1st. Come with us to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. Walk a while on the Appalachian Trail. Visit some waterfalls and get up close and personal with a bear. That should fill the commitment for July. What will August bring? We will have to see.
As you walk the trails of life, keep a smile on your face and let a hardy laugh announce your presence. That way the bears will know you are coming.
Dulany F Sriner