As I add more pictures to my website from Illinois to Texas, you will see this magnificent bird in all these locations. They are one of my favorites and therefore often captured in pictures.

The White Ibis is common to the southern regions and is often found in large groups. I saw this one walking the shoreline looking for food. Another inhabitant was not nearly so active. The alligator below was sunning himself/herself ( I didn't care to check up close for gender) on a fallen tree. It was at this point, I decided the swimming area was not so inviting if I had to share it with even this less-than full-grown reptile. Although I was less than anxious to share its swimming hole, I was eager to capture its likeness in memory.

One last look down the river and we would be on our way to the next stop along the roads less traveled.
Be sure to check back as we have lots more places to see.
Also check out www.DSDigitals.com website for more pictures. For picture taking tips visit my other Blog: http://dsdigitals.blogspot.com/ There you can find more technical information about cameras, computers and photography in general.